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馬斯奈 - 歌劇《拉霍國王》 2DVD


  • 歌劇《拉霍國王》

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    馬斯奈 - 歌劇《拉霍國王》 2DVD

    Alim - Giuseppe Gipali
    Sita - Ana Maria Sanchez
    Scindia - Vladimir Stoyanov
    Indra - Federico Sacchi
    Kaled - Cristina Sogmaister
    Timour - Riccardo Zanellato
    Un capo - Carlo Agostini

    Every operatic composer has a title that marks a turning point, one that raises him from being almost unknown to sudden fame. For Bellini, in 1827, this was Il Pirata, for Verdi, in 1842, Nabucco. For Massenet this opera was Le Roi de Lahore. Performed for the first time in 1877 at the Palais Garnier to a resounding success - the opera ran to no fewer than 57 performances in the great Paris opera house within two years - this work contains all the characteristic elements of grand-opera: marches and solemn processions, a ballet, use of countless extras, spectacular choral scenes, concertante sections of great length, a general exotic tint that was much appreciated at the time and a great wealth of melodic invention. The present Venetian production features a high quality cast and documents the last performance of the late conductor Marcello Viotti, who had made the critical edition of the score.


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